Oxipyr oxygen burner: aluminum recycling - Strategic application technology
Customer segment oil & gas refering
Improve productivity & get more ecological processes with gases
Oil and Gas Refining
Oil and Gas Refining
By definition, crude oil and natural gas are the raw materials of the petrochemical industry, with inert gases such as N2 and CO2 already used on a large-scale during their extraction. The processing of crude oil to the desired end products involves several steps. Again, gases from Messer are used in many of these process steps.
Customer process for oil and gas refining
Fluid catalytic cracking FCC
Major material conversion process in the oil processing industry
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Other interesting topcis
Cracking of persistent COD with ozone
Equipment, expertise and gas for a complete solution
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Messer builds and sells customized Oxipyr oxygen burners (flameless; also in different enrichment levels) and suitable control systems and optimizes furnace production together with the customer. Oxipyr-Air is the solution for hearth furnaces, Oxial post-combustion reduces energy and oxygen requirements in both the TTRF (Total Tilting Rotary Furnace) and the hearth furnace.
Application technology startpage
Productivity increase, production throughput and ecological improvement with gases, expertise & know-how, onsite trials, research and development, commercial offers