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All customerprocesses that use gases - Strategic application technology

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Meat processing process chart

Meat processing process chart

Meat production consists of a number of individual processes: from animal breeding to slaughtering, and via various steps, to the packaging and sale of the product. Gases are used in many of these stages with Messer supplying the necessary know-how, equipment and of course, gas.

Poultry processing process chart

Poultry processing process chart

Poultry production consists of a number of individual processes: from animal breeding to slaughtering and, via various steps, to the packaging and sale of the product. Gases are used in many of these stages with Messer supplying the necessary know-how, equipment and, of course, gas.

bakery products

bakery products

The product variety of baked goods ranges from rolls to cake variations. Messer's application technology know-how in this segment is just as extensive. This starts with silo inerting during raw material storage, continues with cooling processes during kneading and extends to the transport of chilled or frozen baked goods.

Beer process chart

Beer process chart

The brewing process starts, strictly speaking, with the selection of raw materials. According to the "German Purity Law", in Germany these can only consist of water, hops, malt and yeast. In further carefully coordinated process steps, the beer is then produced according to taste and type.  Various gas applications are used to optimise the production process: the most well-known application being the carbonating of the beer by means of carbon dioxide. But gases from Messer are also used when inerting product tanks to displace unwanted oxygen or during beer filling.

Coffee production process chart

Coffee production process chart

Coffee is cultivated in over 50 countries worldwide, with different levels of quality depending on the region and type of coffee. The combination of roasted, ground coffee beans and hot water finally results in the popular hot drink. A series of Messer gases are used throughout the entire production process.  

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